Korean Age Calculator -2023

According to Korean Age Calculator, You're Age Will Display Here

Calculate Korean Age in 3 Simple Steps!

What is Korean Age System?

The Korean age calculation system is a unique way of determining a person’s age that is different from most other cultures around the world. In the Korean Age system, a person is considered to be one year old at the moment of their birth, and they gain another year of age on New Year’s Day, regardless of the date of their actual birth. This means that a person’s age in the Korean system is different from their chronological age, which is calculated based on their date of birth. For example, a person born on December 31st would be considered to be two years old on January 1st of the following year.

Our Free Online Korean Age Calculator will help you calculate your korean age within a single click!

Enter Your Birth Year

Enter your birth year in the input box shown. You can only enter year. Months and days are not required.

Click On “Calculate My Age Button“!

You’ll be able to see a blue button next to year field. After entering your birth year, Click on Calculate My Korean Age Button

Check Multiple Age or Reset Birth Year

You can check by entering Multiple Years in Same way. you can also reset birthyear field by clicking on Reset Year field.

How Korean Age System is Different From Other Countries

The Korean Age System makes your birthday January 1st, instead of January 1st of an actual year (which can be different from when you were born). This means that people born on Jan 1st are considered older than people who were born on Feb 28th or March 24th or May 23rd etcetera because they’ve had more time to grow up in Korea and become adults before being considered old enough to get married and have children themselves. Everyone “ages” one year on January 1st, but some people might take a few years longer than others because they’re not ready yet!If you want to read more, We have discussed fascinating facts about korean age calculation system !

History of Korean Age System and Its Calculation

The history and evolution of the Korean age calculation system can be traced back to ancient times, when it was based on the lunar calendar. In traditional Korean culture, the New Year was celebrated according to the lunar calendar, and a person’s age was calculated based on the number of lunar New Years they had celebrated. This system was used in Korea for centuries and it was considered to be an important aspect of traditional culture. However, with the modernization of Korea and the adoption of the Gregorian calendar, the age calculation system was also changed.

In the early 20th century, Korea adopted the Gregorian calendar, and the age calculation system was modified to align with the Western system. However, the traditional Korean system of counting age from the lunar New Year was still maintained, so a person’s age would be calculated based on the number of lunar New Years they had celebrated, in addition to their chronological age based on the Gregorian calendar. This dual system of age calculation was used for several decades, but it caused confusion and was difficult to implement in various aspects of society.

In the 1960s, the Korean government officially adopted the Western system of calculating age based on the date of birth, but it kept the traditional practice of adding one year to a person’s age on New Year’s Day, regardless of the date of their birth. This resulted in the current Korean age calculation system, where a person’s age is calculated based on their chronological age, but they gain another year on January 1st of each year. This system is still in use today, and it is considered to be a unique aspect of Korean culture.

How Can I Say My Age in Korean – 2023

Now that you know about your current korean age using our free online korean age calculator available at the top. Let’s try exploring how does your age sound in korean language. Find korean number pronunciation using our free english to korean translator available below:

English PronunciationKorean and English TranslationRoman Pronounciation
One1 -> 하나hana
Two2 ->둘dul
Three3 ->셋set
Four4 ->넷net
Five5 ->다섯daseot
Six6 ->여섯yeoseot
Seven7 ->일곱ilgop
Eight8 ->여덟yeodeol
Nine9 ->아홉ahop
Ten10 ->열yeol
Eleven11 ->열하나yeolhana
Twelve12 ->열둘yeoldul
Thirteen13 ->열셋yeolset
Fourteen14 ->열넷yeolnet
Fifteen15 ->열다섯yeoldaseot
Sixteen16 ->열여섯yeolyeoseot
Seventeen17 ->열일곱yeolilgop
Eighteen18 ->열여덟yeolyeodeol
Nineteen19 ->열아홉yeolahop
Twenty20 ->스물seumul
Translation of English Numbers to Korean Numbers 1-20
English PronounciationKorean and English TranslationRoman Pronounciation
Twenty-One21 -> 스물하나seumulhana
Twenty-Two22 ->스물둘seumuldul
Twenty-Three23 ->스물셋seumulset
Twenty-Four24 ->스물넷seumulnet
Twenty-Five25 ->스물다섯seumuldaseot
Twenty-Six26 ->스물여섯seumulyeoseot
Twenty-Seven27 ->스물일곱seumulilgop
Twenty-Eight28 ->스물여덟seumulyeodeol
Twenty-Nine29 ->스물아홉seumulahop
Thirty30 ->서른sorean
Thirty-One31 ->서른하나soreanhana
Thirty-Two32 ->서른둘soreundul
Thirty-Three33 ->서른셋soreanseot
Thirty-Four34 ->서른넷soreunnet
Thirty-Five35 ->서른다섯soreundaseot
Thirty-Six36 ->서른여섯soreunyeoseot
Thirty-Seven37 ->서른일곱soreunilgop
Thirty-Eight38 ->서른여덟soreunyeodeol
Thirty-Nine39 ->서른아홉soreunyeodeol
Fourty40 ->마흔soreunyeodeol
Translation of English Numbers to Korean Numbers 21-40
English PronunciationKorean and English TranslationRoman Pronounciation
Fourty-One41 -> 마흔하나mahheunhana
Fourty-Two41 -> 마흔둘mahheundul
Fourty-Three41 -> 마흔셋mahheunset
Fourty-Four41 -> 마흔넷mahheunnet
Fourty-Five41 -> 마흔다섯mahheundaseot
Fourty-Six41 -> 마흔여섯mahheunyeoseot
Fourty-Seven41 -> 마흔일곱mahheunilgop
Fourty-Eight41 -> 마흔여덟mahheunyeodeol
Fourty-Nine41 -> 마흔아홉mahheunahop
Fifty41 -> 쉰swin
Translation of English Numbers to Korean Numbers 41-50

Frequently Asked Questions About Korean Age Calculator

We know that there are few questions popping in your mind about korean age sytem. We are answering them below.

How Do i calculate my Korean Age ?

With our Free Online Korean Age Calculator, You can calculate your age by simply entering birth year in the first section.

What is the meaning of Korean Age ?

Korean age system is different from other countries. It’s based on your birthday and one year older than international age.

How old is 1 year old in Korea Age System?

According to Korean Age Calculator, A person is 1 year old as soon as they are born, and gain one year on every New Year’s Day. And a baby born on Dec. 31st would be considered 2 years old the next day of their birth.

When Do Koreans Celebrate their Birthdays?

Everybody in Korea Shares Same Birthday i.e January 1st. You can Read about Korean New Year here

Is Korean Age Different?

Korean age system is different from other countries. The international age system is the same as the chronological age, which is how much time you’ve lived since your birth day. But in Korea, everyone ages one year on January 1st of that year.

What are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Korean Age System?

Benefits of Korean Age System:

Korean Age calculation system ensures fairness in social occasions. For example, if you are a child attending a birthday party, you know that everyone there is of the same age – no one is older or younger than anyone else. This is important because it helps to ensure that all participants feel comfortable and safe during the party.Also helps to define who belongs to which social group and eliminates any confusion or ambiguity about who belongs where. It also helps to create cohesion within communities by ensuring that everyone knows their place within them.

Drawbacks of Korean Age System:

Under the Korean Age System, people are categorized into two categories: minors and adults. Minors are defined as those who are under the legal age of 18 years old, while adults are those who are 18 years or older. However, this system does not take into account gender identity or sexual orientation. This can lead to some serious discrepancies when it comes to activities such as voting and employment.It also leads to inconsistencies when dealing with divorce proceedings and inheritance rights,

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